FLAGS, IDENTITY, MEMORY: Critiquing the Public Narrative through Color
Equipe Demogue ColloqueOfficial program
7 February
8h30 – 9h Registration- 9h00 – Opening speech : Anne WAGNER, Associate Professor, CRDP Lille 2, France. Transmission of Values: Power, Transgression and/or Resistance
- 9h30-10h : Massimo LEONE – Professor, University of Turin, Italy. Religious Flags: Genesis, Myth, Ideology, and Controversy.
- 10h10–10h40 : Claudius MESSNER, Professore Associato, Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Italy. Depicting the colour of the wind. Notes on symbols and fetishes that represent our heritage and hope.
- 10h50 – 11h20 : Frances GUERIN, Kent School of Arts, UK. The Politics and History of Grey : Jasper Johns’s American Flags.
11h30 – 12h : Jan M. BROEKMAN, Emeritus Law Professor, Penn State Dickinson School of Law, USA. Colors Like Words : From Seme to Digit.
- 14h – 14h30 : Johnny ALAM, Artist and Researcher, Montreal, Canada. National Flags, Transnational Identity, and the Past/Future of the Nation-State.
- 14h40 – 15h10 : Wayne MORRISSON, Law Professor, Queen Mary University of London, UK. Bangladesh: the flag, its colours, national identity and the dialectics of struggle and protest
- 15h 30 – 17h30 : Rini HURKMANS, visual artist, The Netherlands. Flag of Compassion AND Roundtables with all the participants.
8 February
- 8h30 – 9h : Ida PETRETTA, doctoral researcher, Southampton Law School, University of Southampton – UK. Belonging-together: Thinking Togetherness.
- 9h10 – 9h40 : James MACLEAN, Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK. Scotland and the Saltire: Symbol of a nation carved in the clouds.
- 9h50 – 10h20 : Miroslaw M. SADOWSKI, LL.M student, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Flags – The Agents of the Past in the 21st Century: Law, Identity, Collective Memory.
- 10H40- 11h10 : Angela CONDELLO, Associate Professor, Roma III University, Italy. Being different, feeling similar. Some remarks on colors and politics.
- 11h20 – 11h50 : Pierre-André LECOCQ, Professeur émérite, CRDP – Lille 2, France. Le drapeau dans l’histoire constitutionnelle française.
14h – 14h30 : Kristian BANKOV, Professor, New Bulgarian University, Bulgary. Flags, Identity, Memory: from nationalisms to the post-truth uses of collective symbols.
14h40 – 15h10 : Otun Ismaila Rasheed ADEDOYIN – PostDoctoral Researcher, University of Lagos - Nigeria & University of Louisville - USA. Semiotic Notions of Development and the National Flag : A Case Study of “Our National Flag”.
15h30 – 16h00 : Miklos KONCZOL, Associate Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Legal Philosophy, and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungary. Flags in Hungary: A Natural History.
16h10 – 16h40 : Teresa RETZER, , student, University of Vienna, Austria. “Rechte Räume” – Right-wing activism in Germany building up its own collective memory beginning with the occupation of architecture.
9 February
8h30 – 9h : Laura ERVO, Professor, The Örebro University, Sweden. Between Sweden and Russia – the history of the Finnish Blue Cross Flag from the legal and political perspective.
9h10 – 9h40 : Hee Sook LEE-NIINIOJA, Ph.D., Independent scholar, Helsinki, Finland. Our Divided-Shared Semiotic Colour Emotions on the Flags of South Korea, North Korea, and Korea Unification.
9h50 – 10h20 : Terry ROYCE, Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. What’s in a flag? A Visual Rhetorical Analysis of Islamic State’s Use of the Shahada
10H30- 11h : Aleksandra MATULEWSKA, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. Historically conditioned identity protection in Poland.
11h10 – 11h40 : José Manuel AROSO LINHARES, Professor, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Flag Regimes, Nationality Types and Law’s « Place » : The exemplum of the actual Portuguese Flag.
14h – 14h30 : Pascale RIHOUET, Senior Lecturer, Rhode Island School of Design, USA. Flags and their Public Life in Medieval and Renaissance Italy (Law, Art, and Ritual).
14h40 – 15h10 : Christine VIAL KAYSER, French art historian, Associate researcher with CREOPS (Paris IV – Sorbonne) and Hicsa (Paris 1) and Museum curator. The Large Glass by Marcel Duchamp as an allegory of the French Flag during WWI and the dominance of the colour of mud.
16h – 16h30 : Helen PRINGLE, Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney – Australia. Under the Black Flag: Piracy in the Construction of Nations.
Closing Speech.
- Inscription/Registration International Conference Flags, Identity, Memory: Critiquing the Public Narrative through Color - February 7,8,9 2018
- February 7, 2018 : 35 €
- February 8, 2018: 35 €
- February 9, 2018 : 35 €
- Lunch, February 7, 2018 : 30 €
- Lunch, February 8, 2018 : 30 €
- Lunch February 9, 2018 : 30 €
Contact : dorothee.herbaut@univ-lille.fr