Workshop : Today's international sanctions: Latin America-EU crossroads

Axe International Workshop

Today's international sanctions: Latin America-EU crossroads

Hybrid workshop organized on June 28 2024 by Pr. Charlotte Beaucillon, Université de Lille, and Pr. Cristiane Derani, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
In presence attendance : Feira de ciências jurídicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis
Online attendance : registration with the organizers
( by June 27 : &

Presentation :

This workshop is based on the synergy of expertise in international economic, environmental and
agricultural law (Prof. Derani), on the one hand, and in international security law, international
sanctions and the external relations of the European Union (Prof. Beaucillon), on the other.
International sanctions, whether multilateral and adopted by the UN Security Council, or unilateral
and adopted on their own initiative by States or groups of States such as the United States, the
European Union, Russia and China, are the subject of various studies, both general and specialized.
However, practice in certain geographical areas remains largely unknown. This is the case for Brazil
and Latin America, where no systematic studies have yet been carried out on the practice of
multilateral or unilateral international sanctions, on their impact on the country's international
economic relations, or on their effects on the country's and the region's strategic partnerships,
notably with the European Union, the United States, Russia and China, which are among the main
providers of international sanctions to date (along with others such as Canada, Japan and Korea).
The aim of this exploratory workshop is to enable discussions between academics and practitioners
from different backgrounds, on the question of whether and how the practice of international
sanctions, which has been constantly reinforced and intensified at international level, can find an
echo in Brazil and more broadly in Latin America, and, if so, in what forms and under what
Each speaker is invited to answer this question from the point of view of his or her own practice and
discipline. The round tables will begin with a round-table discussion (10 minutes maximum), with
the aim of encouraging further exchanges between participants.

List of speakers :

  • Danielle Jacon Ayres Pinto

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Economics and International Relations at the Federal
University of Santa Catarina/UFSC; Coordinator of the GEPPIC - Research Group on Strategic
Studies and Contemporary International Politics.

  • Charlotte Beaucillon

Professor of Public Law at the University of Lille, specialist in International and European Law;
Responsible for the international and European law research axis of the Public Law Team (ERDP)
of the CRDP research center; Co-director of the Master 2 International and European Law,
International Criminal Justice track.

  • Rodrigo Fagundes Cezar

Assistant Professor of at Fundação Getulio Vargas, School of International Relations.
Arthur Dalmarco
Lawyer, Associate in the Sao Paulo office of the Gunerson Dettmer Lawfirm, specialist in the
representation of emerging growth companies throughout their lifecycles in Brazil and Latin

  • Arno Dal Ri Júnior

Professor of Theory and History of the International Law at the Federal University of Santa

  • Cristiane Derani

Full Professor of International Law, International Economic Law and International Environmental
Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC; Vice-rector of Graduate Studies; Member of
the Jean Monet CCJ Chair.

  • Paolo Palchetti

Full Professor of Public Law at the Sorbonne Law School, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne ;
specialist in Public International Law; Director of the Master 2 in Public international Law and
International Organisations Law.

  • Stefano Palestini

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Research, the School of International
Studies, at the University of Trento in Italy.

  • Gustavo Ferreira Ribeiro

Professor of Law at the Centro Universitário de Brasília (UNICEUB) ; Market Access Head of
Division at the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX-Brazil)

  • Elise Ruggeri Abonnat

Assistant Professor in Public Law, specialist in Public International Law, at the University of Lille.

Programme :
9h30 = 14h30 (GMT+2/Paris-Trento)
Cristiane Derani & Charlotte Beaucillon

9h50-10h40 (GMT-3/Florianopolis) = 14h50-15h40 (GMT+2/Paris-Trento)
Panel n° 1 - Introduction International sanctions in a cross-regional context
Cristiane Derani - Chair
• Arno Dal Ri Júnior - A historical approach to international sanctions
• Charlotte Beaucillon - Global trends in the evolution of international sanctions
• Stefano Palestini (online) - International sanctions in Latin America

10h50-11h40 (GMT-3/Florianopolis) = 15h50-16h40 (GMT+2/Paris-Trento)
Panel n° 2 : Brazilian and Latin American practice of economic sanctions
Charlotte Beaucillon & Cristiane Derani: Chairs
• Gustavo Ferreira Ribeiro (online) - International sanctions in Latin America, and the use of data and evidence
• Arthur Dalmarco - International sanctions, a lawyer’s practice
• Elise Ruggeri Abonnat (online) - International sanction’s impact on international investments : cross-regional trends
• Rodrigo Fagundes Cezar (online) - Trade-based sustainability sanctions, an alternative model to contemporary international sanctions?

11h50-12h40 (GMT-3/Florianopolis) = 16h50-17h40 (GMT+2/Paris-Trento)
Panel n°3 : The strategic dimension of sanctions-related trans-regional alliances
Charlotte Beaucillon - Chair
• Danielle Ayres - International sanctions in Brazil and Latin America: a reading in international relations theory
• Cristiane Derani - Decolonizing international economic and environmental relations
• Paolo Palchetti (online) - The debate on unilateral sanctions within the UN General Assembly

13h00 = 18h00 (GMT+2/Paris-Trento)
End of the Workshop & Lunch for on-site speaker

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